Category Archives: Award

Bento (No.51)



Back to bento posting!

These next few bentos will be ones from a few weeks ago as I’m still on a bland (and not very photogenic) diet to sort my silly tummy out.



This bento consists of a leftover spicy chicken and vegetable wrap, with sides of radishes, cucumber, olives, mange-tout, lettuce and baked soy-sesame tofu.

It was such a yummy lunch (I love leftovers!), I can’t wait t have wraps again!

On a more positive note, I was nominated for two awards over the last couple of weeks. I’m still working on the posts and will get them up, along with my nominations, as soon as possible ๐Ÿ™‚

Quick update on training for my 5k Race For Life: I ran my first full training 5k at the weekend. My running has been getting so much better and a lot easier, and I bought some new running gear (why did no-one ever tell me running leggings were ย so damn comfortable! – no wind resistance, haha!) cheeky me. Running is something you have to work at, but it is so surprising how just a mile or two every other day can build up to being able to run up hills no problem (I have so many issues running up hills-silly hips), and running 5k straight off, easy peasy.

Well here’s to another week of training, being a busy bee, eating bland food and munching on Foodie Penpal delights (spoilers!)

Hows the weather been for everyone?ย I’ve found most days when I want to run, it’s been just right for me, not making you jealous or anything ๐Ÿ™‚

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Inspiring Blog Award

This post is a little late, but I have been super busy with work and holidaying, you know how it is ๐Ÿ˜› I’m going to be posting a few of the awards that I have been given over the Christmas period, so bare with me.

Anyway, I got nominated for the Inspiring Blog Award! ๐Ÿ˜€

Thank you to RCC, over at rabbitcancookย for passing this beautiful Blog Award. They are, in their own words “A foodie, spa addict,ย  Japanese manga fans, an adventurer who love to travel, a shopaholic who try to stay clean, a bookworm, a melancholy and perfectionist rabbit.”

I really appreciate all awards I receive. I never expected as many people to read my blog as they do, thank you to everyone!

This beautiful Inspiring Blog award was designed byย Filipina Glittersย . If youโ€™re crazy about makeup, be sure to check out her fab beauty blog.

The rules on how to nominate:

1. Display the award image on your blog
2. Link back to the person who nominated you
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers and link to their sites.
5. Notify the bloggers that they have been nominated and link to the post.

7 things about myself that perhaps you didn’t know yet :

  1. I have no gallbladder ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. I really like anchovies :S but I tend to avoid them because they smell!
  3. I prefer to make up my own recipes instead of following ones from books
  4. I love almond milk!!
  5. I go surfing in Devon/Cornwall at least once a month
  6. I love Hello Kitty!
  7. My next favourite thing to do after cooking/baking is arts and crafts (sewing, drawing, painting, etc)

Here are my nominations:

Yummy Packed Lunches

Frugal Feeding

Tupper Becca

Pepper Bento

Healthy Cancer Chick

I love everything about these blogs, they are all so amazing and inspirational. Please go check them all out!

Please note, I prefer to nominate a few blogs instead of the full 15, due to the amount of amazing blogs, I nominate the most amazing.

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Sunshine Award

Wow, I’ve been nominated for the Sunshine Award by Laurel over atย BentoAmour!! Check her out! She’s all about Bento and encouraging the world to embrace the true simplicity and yumminess of Bento making! Thank you so much! I started this blog so I could share my thoughts on all things I love, and I am constantly amazed (and relieved) to hear from all of you that like the same things too ๐Ÿ™‚

Right, I had to check on the rules because I’m new to all this award stuff, so here it goes:


If you are nominated you must include the link in a blog, linking to the person/blog that nominated you. You must answer some questions and nominate 10 fellow bloggers and link their blogs in your post. Let the people you have nominated know that you have nominated them!


1. Who is your favorite philosopher? Hmmm, me? I don’t know, I know there’s lots…

2. What is your favorite number? 4, or 7

3. What is your favorite animal? Dolphin ๐Ÿ™‚

4. What are your Facebook and Twitter? ย I don’t have a Twitter account and I currently only have a personal Facebook. More to go on the list!!

5. What is your favorite time of day? Weekends = mornings, Weekdays = straight after work

7. What is your favorite physical activity? Surfing ๐Ÿ™‚ or Personal training sessions at the gym (includes cardio and weights)

8. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Peppermint Green Tea, Original Mountain Dew

9. What is your favorite flower? Primrose

10. What is your passion? Bento making, cooking, baking and inventing ๐Ÿ™‚

My Nominees:

Craveย -Bek’s blog encompasses all I love reading about: food, cooking, health, exercise and general life. I love the way she is always positive and strives to do the best in the interests of her health and wellbeing.

Veggie Bento Loveย – I’m not vegetarian, but I am so intrigued at all the yummy and satisfying recipes and bentos that she posts ๐Ÿ˜€ and every Friday is cupcake Friday!!

Bentoriffic – Sarah is a wonderfully active mum who provides her kids with fantastic looking lunches! Her family eat a plant based diet but it all looks so scrum my, I’d go vegan if she made my lunches ๐Ÿ™‚

Kidbite Lunchesย – A blog that started up in a need to fill kiddies bellies ๐Ÿ™‚ A lot of the posts are bento related! And I love all the creativity!!

Bento Daysย – Started not so long ago to fill a need again! Newbie to Bento, but creates fantastic lunches, far better than mine! I need to take a leaf out of her book!

Daily Nibblesย – I love everything about Japan, and this Blog is all about Sarah’s experience in Japan!! I wish I could speak more than one word in Japanese, maybe she’ll teach me?

Wellness By Tessย – So in awe of her lifestyle and range of things on her blog! I love hearing about her fitness goals and recipes.

Healthy Cancer Chickย – So inspirational. Kristen uses her blog to share her experiences with her change in lifestyle since her cancer diagnosis. She creates amazing food and I want to try every single one of her recipes!!

Oh!Bentoย – Keith is a fellow UK Bento fanatic ๐Ÿ™‚ He is in the process of researching and starting up a Bento magazine! Go help him!!

All About the Kidsย – “Mama Tong” or Ah 4, writes about her fantastic life raising two young children and making Bentos ๐Ÿ˜€ I don’t have children yet, but I do have a strange affinity for Mummy Blogs ๐Ÿ˜€