Thursday Bento fun!

I know this post is a bit late, sorry!! I’ve been mucho busy at work D:

Anyways 🙂 You will forgive me when you see my scrumptious bento creations 😀

In Thursdays Bentos, I used Wednesday nights leftovers of sushi rice, steamed veg (with soy sauce and sushi vinegar) and pickled beetroot. I love using leftovers 🙂 makes me happy. And it also allows for the eating of a lighter dinner on the Thursday night (we had miso-noodle soup :D)

First is the bf’s bento. I used his blue MASPRO lunchbox (full review to come later). In the main part (which is perfectly sized for a reasonable amount of food – more akin to a dinner sized portion really), he had sushi rice with steamed veg and pickled beetroot. I also cut up some green peppers for the top part. We are upping the veg at the moment (as less fruit = less sugar) so the more the merrier 😀 He also had some fruit and malt loaf to complete his yummy lunch, lucky him!


I love the colour – nice and bright but not too neon 🙂



There’s more in there than you think, pictures make things smaller :O

For my bento, I used the fabulous Aladdin 0.95L bento box (for the first time!). I have had this bento box since last Christmas (I know, bad me!) and I cant believe it hadn’t even been out of its box!

I had sushi rice in the bottom compartment with furikake and umeboshi (I love them!!), and steamed veg and pickled beetroot. The smaller compartment was filled with cucumber, raspberries (from my garden) and grapes. I love this bento box, I can’t wait to use it for soups and food that can be heated (at work).



Hello feet!!

I will most definitely be using my Aladdin bento box a lot more, and eating a lot more umeboshi 😀

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5 thoughts on “Thursday Bento fun!

  1. I love, love,love umeboshi a lot and your blue aladin bento box too.

  2. sickybear says:

    Bento is always fun 🙂
    Love your bento box

  3. […] and a little fish of soy sauce. I’m pretty sure on that day I also had soup (one half of my Aladdin bento box is hiding in the top left corner of the above picture), which I’m sure was a lot […]

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